* 1989 in Nowosibirsk, Russia
lives and works in Munich

2010 - 2015 painting and graphics with Jean-Marc Bustamante, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
2014 Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg with Anna Jermolaewa and Olga Chernysheva
2015 - 2017 painting and graphics with Florian Pumhösl, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
2013 - 2017 digital and contemporary media with Julian Rosefeldt, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich further studies with Manfred Pernice and Kerstin Brätsch 




2017 | p a t h o l o t o p i e, Centercourt, Munich
2016 | Maria Justus @ Karin Wimmer Young Art Space, Munich
2014 | Boutique, Centercourt, Munich, Germany
2013 | Red No. 29, Galerie Klüser 2, Munich, Germany


2017 | Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, diploma exhibition

2016 | Karl&Faber Fine Art Auctions, exhibition of the nominees of the Karl&Faber Art Pirze, Munich
2016 | START, Goldberg Gallery, Munich
2016 | Casa Ugo Alto, San Stino/Veneto, Italy
2016 | annual exhitbition of the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
2016 | there will be blood, Ludwigskirche, Munich
2016 | die Auktion, Kunstpavillon, Munich
2016 | NOTEL Prinzregent, Hotel Prinzregent, Munich
2016 | Kitti & Joy invite friends, Kösk, Munich
2016 | Maria Justus und Sebastian Schulz, Goldberg Gallery, Munich

2015 | Animal Friends, RSTR4, Munich
2015 | Facciamo un giro de arte, San Stino/Veneto, Italy

2015 | Public Art Panels, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2015 | Kerstin Brätsch with Mount Trailer, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Germany
2015 | Mount Trailer, Akademiegalerie, Munich, Germany
2015 | Image101, Periscope, Salzburg, Austria
2015 | GIRO D’ARTE A SAN STINO, San Stino/Veneto, Italy

2014 | Meister und Werke, Kunstpavillon Munich, Germany
2014 | Interfaces, Filmfestival Kitzbuehel, Austria
2014 | Summer Academy of Fine Arts, final show, Salzburg, Austria class of Anna Jermolaewa and Olga Chernysheva
2014 | Artist Comes First, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, les Abattoirs, France
2014 | doART, Fabrica do Braco de Prata, Lissabon, Portugal
2014 | Salong, opening show, Munich, Germany

2013 | Artist Comes First, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Toulouse, France
2013 | Recent Works, Schmiedberg, Augsburg, Germany 

grants and prizes

2016 | Stibet scolarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
2016 | nomination for the Karl&Faber Art Prize
2016 | annual exhibition prize by the association of the Academy of Fine Arts
2015 | artist residency Casa Ugo Alto, Veneto, Italy
2015 | Oskar-Karl-Forster scolarship
2014 | International Summer Academy of Fine Arts grant by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Arts 2013 | Catalogue sponsorship by the LfA Business Development Bank
2010 | scolarship by the Robert Bosch Foundation